Cartellier, abbé -- Trials, litigation, etc : Affaire de la Salette : Mademoiselle de Lamerlière contre MM. Déléon et Cartellier demande en 20,000 fr. de dommages-intérêts / recueilli et publié par J. Sabbatier
Cartels -- Criminal provisions. : Criminalising cartels : critical studies of an international regulatory movement / edited by Caron Beaton-Wells and Ariel Ezrachi
Cartels -- Developing countries : Fighting cross-border cartels : the perspective of the young and small competition authorities / Pierre Horna
Cartels -- European Union countries -- Criminal provisions : The criminalization of European Cartel enforcement : theoretical, legal, and practical challenges / Dr Peter Whelan, LLB (Ling Fran), LLM, PG Cert, PhD (Cantab) Attorney-at-Law (New York)
Cartels -- Germany : Cartels, combines, and trusts in post-war Germany by Rudolf K. Michels
Here are entered works on combinations in restraint of trade in which independent business enterprises formally agree among themselves to control or limit output, prices, and/or markets so as to achieve monopolistic power. Works on combinations in which stock ownership is transferred to trustees, who in turn issue trust certificates and dividends and who attempt to achieve monopolistic control over output, prices, or markets, are entered under Trusts, Industrial
Cartels -- Mexico -- Laguna Region : "Reconquistando" La Laguna : los Zetas, el Estado y la sociedad organizada, 2007-2014 / Sergio Aguayo y Jacobo Dayán ; con la colaboración de Javier Garza Ramos