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Book Cover
Author Harold, Elliotte Rusty.

Title Java network programming / Elliotte Rusty Harold
Edition Second edition
Published Cambridge, Mass. : O'Reilly, 2000
Table of Contents
1.Why Networked Java?1
  What Can a Network Program Do?2
  But Wait!--There's More!19
2.Basic Network Concepts20
  The Layers of a Network22
  IP, TCP, and UDP28
  The Internet32
  The Client/Server Model37
  Internet Standards39
3.Basic Web Concepts49
  HTML, SGML, and XML56
  Applets and Security71
4.Java I/O75
  Output Streams76
  Input Streams80
  Filter Streams84
  Readers and Writers101
  Running Threads119
  Returning Information from a Thread124
  Thread Scheduling145
  Thread Pools159
6.Looking Up Internet Addresses165
  DNS, IP Addresses, and All That165
  The InetAddress Class167
  Some Useful Programs181
7.Retrieving Data with URLs193
  The URL Class193
  The URLEncoder and URLDecoder Classes218
  Communicating with CGIs and Servlets Through GET223
  Accessing Password-Protected Sites228
8.HTML in Swing236
  HTML on Components236
  Parsing HTML247
9.The Network Methods of java.applet.Applet267
  Using java.applet.Applet to Download Data267
  The ImageObserver Interface276
  The MediaTracker Class281
  Network Methods of Java.applet.AppletContext297
10.Sockets for Clients301
  Socket Basics302
  Investigating Protocols with Telnet302
  The Socket Class304
  Socket Exceptions329
11.Sockets for Servers350
  The ServerSocket Class351
  Some Useful Servers364
12.Secure Sockets388
  Secure Communications389
  Creating Secure Client Sockets393
  Methods of the SSLSocket Class397
  Creating Secure Server Sockets403
  Methods of the SSLServerSocket Class408
13.UDP Datagrams and Sockets411
  The UDP Protocol411
  The DatagramPacket Class413
  The DatagramSocket Class423
  Some Useful Applications435
14.Multicast Sockets450
  What Is a Multicast Socket?451
  Working with Multicast Sockets461
  Two Simple Examples466
15.The URLConnection Class472
  Opening URLConnections473
  Reading Data from a Server475
  Reading the Header476
  Configuring the Connection485
  Configuring the Client Request MIME Header495
  Writing Data to a Server497
  Content Handlers503
  The Object Methods505
  Security Considerations for URLConnections505
  Guessing MIME Types506
16.Protocol Handlers529
  What Is a Protocol Handler?530
  The URLStreamHandler Class534
  Writing a Protocol Handler542
  More Protocol Handler Examples and Techniques546
  The URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface556
17.Content Handlers560
  What Is a Content Handler?562
  The ContentHandler Class565
  The ContentHandlerFactory Interface578
  A Content Handler for an Image Format: image/x-fits581
18.Remote Method Invocation594
  What Is Remote Method Invocation?594
  Loading Classes at Runtime609
  The java.rmi Package617
  The java.rmi.registry Package626
  The java.rmi.server Package628
19.The JavaMail API634
  What Is the JavaMail API?635
  Sending Email637
  Receiving Mail648
  Password Authentication654
  The URLName Class663
  The Message Class666
  The Part Interface678
  Multipart Messages and File Attachments690
  MIME Messages695


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS  005.2762 Java Har/Jnp 2000  AVAILABLE
Description xxvvii, 731 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Series The Java series
Java series (Sebastopol, Calif.)
Notes Includes index
Subject Computer networks.
Java (Computer program language)
LC no. 00002212
ISBN 1565928709
Other Titles Network programming