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Description AnthroSource consists of online anthropological material and includes: Current issues of the AAA's most critical peer-reviewed publications, including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly and an electronic archive of all AAA journals.
Subject area Anthropology
  Social Sciences
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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
AnthroSource American anthropologist (Online) 01 Jan. 1888-
AnthroSource American ethnologist (Online)
AnthroSource Annals of anthropological practice (2011) 01 Jan. 2011-
AnthroSource Anthropology & education quarterly 01 Jan. 1976-
AnthroSource Anthropology and humanism (Online) 01 June 1993-
AnthroSource Anthropology and humanism quarterly 01 Apr. 1976 - 31 Dec. 1992
AnthroSource Anthropology and humanism quarterly (Online) 01 Apr. 1976 - 31 Dec. 1992
AnthroSource (Latest issues unavailable)
Anthropology news 01 Jan. 1960 - 30 May 1968,
01 June 1968 - 30 June 1974,
01 Sept. 1974 - 31 May 1999,
01 June 1999 - 23 Feb. 2015
AnthroSource Anthropology newsletter 01 Sept. 1974 - 31 May 1999
AnthroSource Anthropology of consciousness (Online) 01 Mar. 1990-
AnthroSource Anthropology of work newsletter 01 June 1980 - 31 Dec. 1982
AnthroSource Anthropology of work review (Online) 01 Jan. 1983-
AnthroSource APLA newsletter (Online) 01 Jan. 1987 - 30 Apr. 1992
AnthroSource Apla (Association for Political and Legal Anthropology : Online) 01 Nov. 1992 - 30 Nov. 1992
AnthroSource Archeological papers of the American Anthropological Association 01 Jan. 1989-
AnthroSource Bulletin of the National Association of Student Anthropologists 01 May 1990 - 31 Jan. 1999
AnthroSource Central issues in anthropology (Online) 01 Mar. 1979 - 31 Jan. 1992
AnthroSource City & society : journal of the Society for Urban Anthropology 01 June 1987-
AnthroSource Communicator (Council on Nutritional Anthropology (U.S.) : Online) 01 Apr. 1978 - 31 Dec. 1997
AnthroSource Conference proceedings 01 Nov. 2005-