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Access this resource: Walter de Gruyter Individual e-books
Description Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Design books.
Subject area Architecture and Built Environment
  Landscape Architecture
  Visual Arts
  Media, Communication and Creative Arts
Other name deGruyter individual e-books
  De Gruyter individual e-books


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De Gruyter Individual e-books An accidental masterpiece : Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion / Dietrich Neumann ; with David Caralt
De Gruyter Individual e-books Acquiring cultures : histories of world art on Western markets / edited by Bénédicte Savoy, Charlotte Guichard, Christine Howald
De Gruyter Individual e-books Adaptive reuse : extending the lives of buildings / Liliane Wong
De Gruyter Individual e-books An aesthetic education in the era of globalization / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
De Gruyter Individual e-books Afro-dog : Blackness and the animal question / Bénédicte Boisseron
De Gruyter Individual e-books The age of lone wolf terrorism / Mark S. Hamm and Ramon Spaaij
De Gruyter Individual e-books An anthropogenic table of elements : experiments in the fundamental / edited by Timothy Neale, Courtney Addison, and Thao Phan
De Gruyter Individual e-books Architecture, design, data : practice competency in the era of computation / Phillip G. Bernstein
De Gruyter Individual e-books Architecture, Futurability and the Untimely : On the Unpredictability of the Past / Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl (ed.)
De Gruyter Individual e-books The architecture of the well-tempered environment / Reyner Banham
De Gruyter Individual e-books Archives in the ancient world / Ernst Posner
De Gruyter Individual e-books Armenian and Jewish Experience Between Expulsion and Destruction / edited by Sarah M. Ross and Regina Randhofer
De Gruyter Individual e-books The art of the anthropological diorama : Franz Boas, Arthur C. Parker, and constructing authenticity / Noémie Étienne ; translation from the French, Chris Miller
De Gruyter Individual e-books Artificial intelligence and architecture : from research to practice / Stanislas Chaillou
De Gruyter Individual e-books Asian flavours : creating architecture for culinary culture / editor: Christian Schittich ; authors: Naomichi Ishige [and four others] ; illustrations: Ralph Donhauser
De Gruyter Individual e-books Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena / Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (editors)
De Gruyter Individual e-books Augustin, Contra Academicos (vel De Academicis), Buch 1 : Einleitung und Kommentar / von Karin Schlapbach
De Gruyter Individual e-books Basics design and living / Jan Krebs
De Gruyter Individual e-books Basics project control / Pecco Becker ; edited by Bert Bielefeld ; translation from German into English, Hartwin Busch
De Gruyter Individual e-books Basics roof construction / Ann-Christin Siegemund