Trient 2006 : Formal ontology in information systems : proceedings of the fourth international conference (FOIS 2006) / edited by Brandon Bennett, Christiane Fellbaum
Trient 2009 : Frontiers of Combining Systems : 7th International Symposium, FroCoS 2009, Trento, Italy, September 16-18, 2009. Proceedings / Silvio Ghilardi, Roberto Sebastiani (Eds.)
Trier 2007 : Français du Canada, français de France VIII : actes du huitième colloque internationale, Trèves, du 12 au 15 avril 2007 / édités par Beatrice Bagola ; avec la collaboration de Hans-J. Niederehe
Tsukuba 1996 : Functionally graded materials 1996 : proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, AIST Tsukuba Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan, October 21-24, 1996 / edited by Ichiro Shiota, Yoshinari Miyamoto
Tsukuba 2005 : Programming languages and systems : third Asian symposium, APLAS 2005, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2-5, 2005 : proceedings / Kwangkeun Yi (ed.)
Tucson Ariz 1994 : Language and space / edited by Paul Bloom [and others]
Tunis 1986 : Politiques économiques, croissance et équilibre exterieur dans les pays du Maghreb : symposium tenue en Tunisie / organisé par l'Institut de Financement du Développement du Maghreb Arabe, la Banque Centrale de Tunisie, et le Fonds Monétaire International ; préface par Michel Camdessus ; introduction par Hedi Baccouche
Turin 2008 : Types for proofs and programs : international conference, TYPES 2008, Torino, Italy, March 26-29, 2008 : revised selected papers / Stefano Berardi, Ferruccio Damiani, Ugo de' Liguoro (eds.)
Turkey Regime Change : The power triangle : military, security, and politics in regime change / Hazem Kandil
Turku 1977 : Automata, languages and programming : fourth colloquium, University of Turku, Finland, July 18-22, 1977 / edited by Arto Salomaa and Magnus Steinby
Turku 1996 : Theorem proving in higher order logics : 9th international conference, TPHOLs '96, Turku, Finland, August 26-30, 1996 : proceedings / J. von Wright, J. Grundy, J. Harrison, eds
Turku 2006 : Petri nets and other models of concurrency : ICATPN 2006 : 27th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, Turku, Finland, June 26-30, 2006 : proceedings / Susanna Donatelli, P.S. Thiagarajan (eds.)
Toy and moveable books with pages that can be read in reverse
Turn Ins Binding : The history of New-England containing an impartial account of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the country to the year of Our Lord, 1700 : to which is added the present state of New-England : with a new and accurate map of the country : and an appendix containing their present charter, their ecclesiastical discipline, and their municipal-laws : in two volumes / by Daniel Neal ..
Tutzing Konferenzschrift 1982 : Beiträge zum Problem der Schattenwirtschaft / von Hans-Erich Gramatzki [and others] ; herausgegeben von Günter Hedtkamp