Yugoslav Personal Narratives : Ancient furies : a young girl's struggles in the crossfire of World War II / Anastasia V. Saporito with Donald L. Saporito
Z Konferenzschrift 1984 Ich : Budgetpolitik im Wandel / von Herbert Geyer, Karl-Heinrich Hansmeyer, Gerold Krause-Junk ; herausgegeben von Karl Häuser
Zagreb 1978 : Dutch contributions to the eighth International Congress of Slavists, Zagreb, Ljubljana, September 3-9, 1978 / edited by Jan M. Meijer
Zahlvorstellung : The practice of mathematics / Yvette Solomon
Zakopane 1978 : Mathematical foundations of computer science, 1978 : proceedings, 7th Symposium, Zakopane, Poland, September 4-8, 1978 / edited by J. Winkowski
Scenarios, scripts, and lazzi of comedies popular in the 16th-18th centuries that were improvised by professional actors within a conventional framework of masked stock characters and rehearsed comic routines
Zaragoza 1994 : Application and theory of petri nets, 1994 : 15th International Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, June 20-24, 1994 : proceedings / Robert Valette (ed.)
Films that feature the American West during the period of westward expansion
Zrodla Historyczne : The 1956 Hungarian revolution : a history in documents / compiled, edited, and introduced by Csaba Békés, Malcolm Byrne, János Rainer ; assistant editors, József Litkei, Gregory F. Domber
Zuoz 2000 : Neutron scattering in novel materials : proceedings of the Eighth Summer School on Neutron Scattering, Zuoz, Switzerland, 5-11 August 2000 / editor, Albert Furrer
Zurich 2000 : Agent systems, mobile agents, and applications : Second International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications and Fourth International Symposium on Mobile Agents, ASA/MA 2000, Zürich, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2000 : proceedings / David Kotz, Friedemann Mattern (eds.)
Zurich 2010 : Theory of cryptography : 7th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, February 9-11, 2010 : proceedings / Daniele Micciancio (ed.)
Zürich Konferenzschrift 1985 : Stadtwachstum, Industrialisierung, sozialer Wandel : Beiträge zur Erforschung der Urbanisierung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / von Peter Borscheid [and others] ; herausgegeben von Hans-Jürgen Teuteberg