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Book Cover
Author Albiston, Jordie, 1961-, author

Title Warlines / Jordie Albiston
Published Melbourne : Hybrid Publishers, [2018]
Melbourne, Victoria : Hybrid Publishers, 2018


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 MELB  827.03 A3376 A21/W  AVAILABLE
Description xiii, 145 pages ; 22 cm
Summary A collection of poems redacted from letters written by Victorian soldiers during WWI. These poems were researched and written under a State Library of Victoria Creative Fellowship (2016-17). The collection is a kind of literary mosaic of individual experiences on the way to, from, or at the Front, with correspondents ranging from the Officer, Chaplain and Flying Ace to the humble (and often semi-literate) Private, Gunner and Sapper. Each poem is titled for its particular soldier and is based on one or more missives penned by that individual
Subject World War, 1914-1918 -- Participation, Australian -- Poetry
Soldiers -- Correspondence -- Victoria
Poetry -- English -- Australia -- 20th century -- Texts
Australian poetry
Australian poetry -- 21st century
War poetry, Australian
Victoria -- Poetry
Genre/Form Poetry.
War poetry.
LC no. be2018035895
ISBN 9781925736090
Other Titles War lines