Translations Into English Greek Drama (Tragedy) : The Three Theban Plays : Antigone ; Oedipus the king ; Oedipus / Sophocles ; Translated by Robert Fagles ; Introductions and Notes by Bernard Knox
Translations Into English Pastoral Poetry, Latin : Virgil's Book of bucolics, the ten eclogues translated into English verse : framed by cues for reading aloud and clues for threading texts and themes / John Van Sickle
Translations Into English Spanish Poetry : Selected poems / Federico García Lorca ; translated by Martin Sorrell ; with an introduction and notes by D. Gareth Walters
Translations Into English Urdu Drama : Karbala a historical play / by Premchand (July 1923-January 1924; first published in 1924) ; translated, edited, and introduced by Nishat Zaidi
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Travaux Preparatoires Treaties -- See Also Treaties
Texts of individual agreements or collections of agreements between two or more states, including protocols, supplements, amendments, etc
Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest