Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Tours 2009 : Ambient assistive health and wellness management in the heart of the city : 7th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, ICOST 2009, Tours, France, July 1-3, 2009 ; proceedings / Mounir Mokhtari [and others] (eds.)
Toyama 2009 : Advances in information and computer security : 4th International Workshop on Security, IWSEC 2009 Toyama, Japan, October 28-30, 2009, proceedings / Tsuyoshi Takagi, Masahiro Mambo (eds.)
Catalogs that are published by manufacturers or dealers in order to present lines of products for sale, generally to people or businesses in a specific profession
Advertising cards issued or enclosed with such products as bread, cigarettes, and agricultural machinery. Use COLLECTING CARDS for cards not intended to be advertisementsMain Term
Trademarks : A treatise on the law of trade-marks and trade-names : including foreign laws applicable to British trade-marks / by Henry Ludlow and Henry Jenkyns
Trademarks Lists : Gardner's commercially important chemicals : synonyms, trade names, and properties / [compiled by] G.W.A. Milne
Locally or regionally traditional music that was originally developed in performance and aurally transmitted in community contexts, and for music composed stylistically and/or ideologically within these traditions
Television programs that use a structured format to teach or train the audience. For television programs that are intended to impart knowledge and information see Educational television programs
Published records of conferences, including abstracts, reports, and the papers presented. For ephemeral materials such as flyers, program books, daily newsletters, or newspapers that are distributed at conferences see Conference materials
Transcriptions Manuscripts : Royal commentaries of the Incas, and general history of Peru / translated with an introd. by Harold V. Livermore ; foreword by Arnold J. Toynbee