Front cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Editors; Contributors; Chapter 1. Advanced Geoinformation Science: An Overview; Chapter 2. Earth Observations; Chapter 3. Geoinformation Computing Platforms; Chapter 4. Data Access and Data Systems; Chapter 5. Spatial Data Analysis and Geoinformation Extraction; Chapter 6. Geoinformation Infrastructure (GII); Chapter 7. Geoinformation Knowledge Representation and Applications; Chapter 8. Environmental and Related Applications; Chapter 9. Other Applications; Chapter 10. Vision for Geoinformation Science; Back cover
GeoInformation Science today encompasses more than just traditional technologies such as remote sensing, GIS, and supporting disciplines. As the science continues to become more multidisciplinary, the literature remains compartmentalized according to the traditional disciplinary boundaries. This book fills the gaps in the literature by capturing recent developments in GeoInformation Science. The authors explain how advanced technology and concepts play a significant role in recent advancements. The text provides overviews of the subjects, discusses the current state of the science and technolo