Nonfiction that presents alternative outcomes of historical events and subsequent changes in history. For fiction in which the plot or setting assumes an alternative outcome of an historical event see Alternative histories (Fiction)
Speeches Addresses Etc American : Frederick Douglass : selected speeches and writings / edited by Philip S. Foner ; abridged and adapted by Yuval Taylor
Speyer Konferenzschrift 2015 : Verfassung als Ordnungskonzept : Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Speyer vom 7.-10. Oktober 2015 / [Red.: Uwe Volkmann]
Spirit Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Religious materials that are intended to be used as aids for private study, prayer, and reflection
Spirituality : Yorro Yorro : aboriginal creation and the renewal of nature : rock paintings and stories from the Australian Kimberley / David Mowaljarlai, Jutta Malnic
Poetry that is meant to be performed and that is heavily stressed, metrically regular, and characterized by improvisation, free association, and word play. For poetry meant to be performed that emphasizes sounds instead of the semantic meaning of the words themselves see Sound poetry
Films that comically imitate another work or group of works of a more serious nature. For films that use wit, irony, or sarcasm to hold up human vices or foibles to ridicule or scorn see Satirical films
Films that comically imitate another work or group of works of a more serious nature. For films that use wit, irony, or sarcasm to hold up human vices or foibles to ridicule or scorn see Satirical films