Medieval chivalric tales written in prose or poetry that depict an idealized code of civilized behavior that combines loyalty, honor, and courtly love. For fiction that primarily depicts romantic love see Romance fiction
Fiction that primarily depicts romantic love. For medieval chivalric tales written in prose or poetry that depict an idealized code of civilized behavior that combines loyalty, honor, and courtly love see Romances
Ru Ebook : Expectations and demands in online teaching : practical experiences / Sorin Gudea
Rubble Films : Die mörder sind unter uns = The murderers are among us / DEFA Deutsche Film A.-G. zeigt im verleih der Sovexportfilm Berlin ; den Wolfgang Staudte Film ; Buch und Regie, Wolfgang Staudte
Rucklaufiges Worterbuch : Reverse English dictionary : based on phonological and morphological principles / by Gustav Muthmann