Comics that are intended to be educational or informational or that present facts or true accounts
Nonsense Literature : Alitji in dreamland = Alitjinya ngura tjukurmankuntjala : an Aboriginal version of Lewis Carroll's Alice's adventures in Wonderland / adapted and translated by Nancy Sheppard ; illustrated by Donna Leslie ; notes by Barbara Ker Wilson
Norfolk Labels England : Two treatises on civil government / by John Locke ; preceded by Sir Robert Filmer's "Patriarcha" ; with an introduction by Henry Morley
Normen Vorm : National Science Education Standards : observe, interact, change, learn
Books produced with blank pages that are used for taking notes. For books with blank pages on which artists draw informal or rough preliminary studies see Sketchbooks
Notre Dame Ind 1957 : What America stands for / edited by Stephen D. Kertesz, M.A. Fitzsimons
Nottingham 1998 : Geotechnical engineering of landfills : proceedings of the symposium held at the Nottingham Trent University Department of Civil and Structural Engineering on 24 September 1998 / editors, N. Dixon, E.J. Murray and D.R.V. Jones
Short fictional narratives popular during the Renaissance that generally featured ordinary townspeople in realistic settings and were often gathered together in collections unified by a frame tale
Short fictional narratives popular during the Renaissance that generally featured ordinary townspeople in realistic settings and were often gathered together in collections unified by a frame tale