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Book Cover
Author Harrower, David, author

Title Ciara / David Harrower
Published London : Faber and Faber Limited, 2013


Description 1 online resource (63 pages)
Summary Ciara's father Mick kept her as his hidden treasure, making sure his only daughter was shielded from what he did and the men and women with whom he associated. Now Mick is dead and his legacy, so bound up in the landscape of Glasgow, that infamous no mean city, must be faced. As Ciara seeks to further the reputation of her art gallery, her world starts to fragment. Marked by the deep contradictions of her father, the art world and the place that made them all, she stands on a threshold
Notes Description based on print version record
Subject Children of gangsters -- Drama
Art dealers -- Drama
Women art dealers -- Drama
Art dealers
Children of gangsters
Women art dealers
Glasgow (Scotland) -- Drama
Scotland -- Glasgow
Genre/Form Drama
Monodramas (Literature)
Monodramas (Literature)
Pièces à un seul personnage.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780571311088