Medical Internal Medicine : Managing pain in children : a clinical guide for nurses and healthcare professionals / edited by Alison Twycross, Head of Department, Children's Nursing, Reader, Children's Pain Management, London South Bank University, United Kingdom, Stephanie Dowden, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Paediatric Palliative Care, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia and Jennifer Stinson, Nurse Clinician Scientist and Nurse Practitioner, Chronic Pain Programme, the Hospital for Sick Children, Associate Professor of Nursing, Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Medical Nonfiction Feature : The boy in the bubble / an Ark Media film for American Experience in association with Channel 4 ; written by Barak Goodman ; produced and directed by Barak Goodman and John Maggio
Medieval chivalric tales written in prose or poetry that depict an idealized code of civilized behavior that combines loyalty, honor, and courtly love. For fiction that primarily depicts romantic love see Romance fiction
Published records of conferences, including abstracts, reports, and the papers presented. For ephemeral materials such as flyers, program books, daily newsletters, or newspapers that are distributed at conferences see Conference materials
Published records of conferences, including abstracts, reports, and the papers presented. For ephemeral materials such as flyers, program books, daily newsletters, or newspapers that are distributed at conferences see Conference materials
Mehrfachschicht : Electrons and phonons in semiconductor multilayers / B.K. Ridley
Mehrsprachiges Worterbuch : Dictionary of librarianship : including a selection from the terminology of information science, bibliology, reprography, higher education, and data processing : German-English, English-German / Eberhard Sauppe
Melanges Et Hommages : Social relations, politics, and power in early modern France : Robert Descimon and the historian's craft / edited by Barbara B. Diefendorf
Melbourne 1991 : Quenching and carburising : proceedings of the Third International Seminar of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, held in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia ..
Melbourne 2000 : Design and applications of intelligent agents : third Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2000 : Melbourne, Australia, August 28-29, 2000 : proceedings / Chengqi Zhang, Von-Wun Soo (eds.)
Melbourne 2002 : Information security and privacy : 7th Australasian conference, ACISP 2002, Melbourne, Australia, July 3-5, 2002 : proceedings / Lynn Batten, Jennifer Seberry (eds.)
Melbourne 2006 : Islam and human rights in practice : perspectives across the ummah / edited by Shahram Akbarzadeh and Benjamin MacQueen
Melbourne 2008 : String processing and information retrieval : 15th international symposium, SPIRE 2008, Melbourne, Australia, November 10-12, 2008 : proceedings / Amihood Amir, Andrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat (eds.)
Works that present themselves as autobiographies but whose narrators and events are fictional. For fiction that is based on events in the author's life, but employs fictional characters intermixed with fictional events, see Autobiographical fiction
Memoirs England 1844 : Historical memoir of a mission to the court of Vienna in 1806 / by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Adair, G.C.B. With a selection from his despatches