Live Action Animation Television Programs : Children of the Holocaust / produced for the BBC by Fettle Animation ; director/animation designer, Zane Whittingham ; producer, Kath Shackleton
Liverpool 1995 : Sport, leisure and ergonomics : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sport, Leisure and Ergonomics, 12th-14th July, 1995 / edited by Greg Atkinson and Thomas Reilly
Liverpool Kongress 2001 : Critical perspectives on contemporary painting : hybridity, hegemony, historicism / edited by Jonathan Harris
Fiction in which real persons, places, or events are depicted under invented names. For fiction that depicts the lives of real people see Biographical fiction
Livres A Figures : Legal emblems and the art of law : obiter depicta as the vision of governance / Peter Goodrich, Cardozo School of Law
Livres De Cuisine Inspires De La Litterature : Books that cook : the making of a literary meal / edited by Jennifer Cognard-Black and Melissa A. Goldthwaite ; with a foreword by Marion Nestle
Livres Tete Beche : Arts of living on a damaged planet: ghosts of the anthropocene: monsters of the anthropocene / Anna Tsing, Heather Swanson, Elaine Gan, Nils Bubandt, editors
Llard De Lans 1994 : Software process technology : third European workshop, EWSPT '94, Villard de Lans, France, February 7-9, 1994 : proceedings / Brian C. Warboys, ed
Llibres Electrnics : 100+1 problems in advanced calculus : a creative journey through the fjords of mathematical analysis for beginners / Paolo Toni, Pier Domenico Lamberti, Giacomo Drago