Libros De Laminas Para Ninos : Los otros osos / escrito e ilustrado por Michael Thompson = The other bears / written and illustrated by Michael Thompson ; translated by Eida Del Risco
Relatively short vocal secular or sacred compositions for any number of solo or choral voices, with or without accompaniment. For texts of songs that appear without a musical setting see Song texts
Staged dramatic works in which the actors sing most or all of their parts, and other types of musico-dramatic works that have significant portions of spoken text and have historically been regarded as forming part of the operatic repertory
Lincoln Neb 1987 : Finite geometries and combinatorial designs : proceedings of the AMS Special Session in Finite Geometries and Combinatorial Designs, held October 29-November 1, 1987 / Earl S. Kramer and Spyros S. Magliveras, editors
Japanese linked verse that is written in alternating two- and three-line stanzas that depict pastoral themes
Linz 2004 : Formal approaches to software testing : 4th international workshop, FATES 2004, Linz, Austria, September 21, 2004, revised selected papers / [edited by] Jens Grabowski, Brian Nielsen
Linz 2008 : Computers helping people with special needs : 11th international conference, ICCHP 2008, Linz, Austria, July 9-11, 2008 : proceedings / Klaus Miesenberger [and others] (eds.)
Lissabon 1990 : D-modules and microlocal geometry : proceedings of the International Conference on D-Modules and Microlocal Geometry, held at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), October 29-November 2, 1990 / editors, M. Kashiwara, T. Monteiro Fernandes, P. Schapira
Lissabon 2001 : Distributed computing : 15th International Conference, DISC 2001, Lisbon, Portugal, October 3-5, 2001 : proceedings / Jennifer Welch (ed.)
Lissabon 2007 : Gesture-based human-computer interaction and simulation : 7th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, May 23-25, 2007 : revised selected papers / Miguel Sales Dias [and others] (eds.)
Lissabon 2008 : Integrated circuit and system design : power and timing modeling, optimization and simulation, 18th International Workshop, PATMOS 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, September 10-12, 2008 : revised selected papers / Lars Svensson, José Monteiro (eds.)
Lissabon 2009 : Coordination models and languages : 11th International Conference, COORDINATION 2009 Lisbon, Portugal, June 9-12, 2009 : proceedings / John Field, Vasco T. Vasconcelos (eds.)
Lissabon <2010> Kongress : Das begrenzte Papsttum : Spielräume päpstlichen Handelns : Legaten - "delegierte Richter" - Grenzen / herausgegeben von Klaus Herbers, Fernando López Alsina, und Frank Engel