Texts of individual laws as well as codes and compilations of laws passed by a legislature. For laws enacted by a legislature during a particular session or sessions see Session laws
Texts of individual laws as well as codes and compilations of laws passed by a legislature. For laws enacted by a legislature during a particular session or sessions see Session laws
Texts of individual laws as well as codes and compilations of laws passed by a legislature. For laws enacted by a legislature during a particular session or sessions see Session laws
Leiden 1989 : Western responses to terrorism / edited by Alex P. Schmid and Ronald D. Crelinsten
Leiden 1998 : Asian food : the global and the local / edited by Katarzyna Cwiertka with Boudewijn Walraven
Leiden 2004 : Formal methods for components and objects : third international symposium, FMCO 2004, Leiden, the Netherlands, November 2-5, 2004 : revised lectures / Frank S. de Boer [and others] (eds.)
Leipzig Konferenzschrift 2016 : Dynamik in den deutschen Regionalsprachen: Gebrauch und Wahrnehmung Beiträge aus dem Forum Sprachvariation. Matthias Hahn, Andrea Kleene, Robert Langhanke, Anja Schaufuß
Lenticular Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Lesbian Literary Criticism : Staging desire : queer readings of American theater history / edited by Kim Marra and Robert A. Schanke
Lesbian Musicals : The color purple : a new musical : original Broadway cast recording / [music and lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis, Stephen Bray ; book by Marsha Norman]
Lesbian Muslims : Living out Islam : voices of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims / Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle
Letters United States 19th Century : A letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, late judge of the Supreme Court of the United States : in review of his recently published pamphlet on the "Emancipation proclamation" of the president / by Charles P. Kirkland
Lettres Damour : Devotedly : the personal letters and love story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot / Valerie Elliot Shepard
Lettres Descripteur De Forme : Liebe Hanya : Mary Wigman's letters to Hanya Holm / compiled by edited by Claudia Gitelman ; with an introduction by Hedwig Müller ; letters translated by Marianne Forster and Catherine T. Klingler ; additional translation by Shelley Frisch and Joanna Ratych
Lettres Dinformations : No forgotten fronts : from classrooms to combat / Lisa K. Shapiro
Level One Easy Reader : Ten little fingers and ten little toes / Mem Fox ; [illustrated by] Helen Oxenbury