Jyvaskyla 2008 : Haptic and audio interaction design : third international workshop, HAID 2008, Jyväskylä, Finland, September 15-16 2008 ; proceedings / Antti Pirhonen, Stephen Brewster (eds.)
Kaddish Music : Kaddish / Bernstein, Weill, Schoenberg
Kaiserslautern Konferenzschrift 1991 : Contemporary knowledge engineering and cognition : first joint workshop, Kaiserslautern, Germany, February 21-22, 1991, proceedings / F. Schmalhofer, G. Strube, Th. Wetter (eds.)
Kalkutta 2002 : Advances in soft computing : AFSS 2002 : 2002 AFSS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Calcutta, India, February 3-6, 2002 : proceedings / Nikhil R. Pal, Michio Sugeno (eds.)
Kalkutta 2005 : Information systems security : first international conference, ICISS 2005, Kolkata, India, December 19-21, 2005 : proceedings / Sushil Jajodia, Chandan Mazumdar (eds.)
Kalkutta 2007 : Pattern recognition and machine intelligence : second international conference, PReMI 2007, Kolkata, India, December 18-22, 2007 : proceedings / Ashish Ghosh, Rajat K. De, Sankar K. Pal (eds.)
Kanazawa 2004 : Grid computing in life science : First International Workshop on Life Science Grid, LSGRID 2004, Kanazawa, Japan, May 31-June 1, 2004 : revised selected and invited papers / Akihiko Konagaya, Kenji Satou, eds
Kanazawa 2009 : Cryptology and network security : 8th international conference, CANS 2009, Kanazawa, Japan, December 12-14, 2009 : proceedings / Juan A. Garay, Atsuko Miyaji, Akira Otsuka (eds.)
Kanton Stadt 2009 : Provable security : third international conference, ProvSec 2009, Guangzhou, China, November 11-13, 2009 : proceedings / Josef Pieprzyk, Fangguo Zhang (eds.)
Kataloger : America, my brother, my blood : a Latin American song of suffering and resistance = América, mi hermano, mi sangre : un canto Latinoamericano de dolor y resistencia / Oswaldo Guayasamin, Pablo Neruda ; introduction by Alfredo Vera ; edited by Rachel Kirby and Alexandra Keeble
Keele 1995 : 21st century ceramics / edited by D.P. Thompson and H. Mandal
Fiction in which real persons, places, or events are depicted under invented names. For fiction that depicts the lives of real people see Biographical fiction
Kharagpur West Bengal 2008 : Progress in cryptology : INDOCRYPT 2008 : 9th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kharagpur, India, December 14-17, 2008 : proceedings / Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury, Vincent Rijmen, Abhijit Das (eds.)
Kiel Konferenzschrift 1983 : Externe Verschuldung, interne Anpassung : Entwicklungsländer in der Finanzkrise / von Mark Allen [and others] ; herausgegeben von Udo Ernst Simonis
Kingston Ontario 2008 : Interactive systems : design, specification, and verification, 15th international workshop, DSV-IS 2008, Kingston, Canada, July 16-18, 2008 : proceedings / T.C. Nicholas Graham, Philippe Palanque (eds.)
Kioto 2007 : Computational geometry and graph theory : international conference, KyotoCGGT 2007, Kyoto, Japan, June 11-15, 2007 ; revised selected papers / Hiro Ito [and others] (eds.)
Kis Insel 2009 : Fundamentals of software engineering : third IPM international conference, FSEN 2009, Kish Island, Iran, April 15-17, 2009 : revised selected papers / Farhad Arbab, Marjan Sirjani (eds.)
Koharenzspektroskopie : Laser and coherence spectroscopy / edited by Jeffrey I. Steinfeld
Kolchin Ellis R : Contributions to algebra : a collection of papers dedicated to Ellis Kolchin / edited by Hyman Bass, Phyllis J. Cassidy, Jerald Kovacic
Koln 2000 : The gender dimension of social change : the contribution of dynamic research to the study of women's life courses / edited by Elisabetta Ruspini and Angela Dale
Koln 2002 : Beyond continuity : institutional change in advanced political economies / edited by Wolfgang Streeck and Kathleen Thelen
Koln 2009 : Advances in cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2009 : 28th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Cologne, Germany, April 26-30, 2009 ; proceedings / Antoine Joux (ed.)