Narrative studies of families and the tracing of their lineages and histories. For lineages of people, or purebred animals in tabular or diagrammatic form see Genealogical tables
Narrative studies of families and the tracing of their lineages and histories. For lineages of people, or purebred animals in tabular or diagrammatic form see Genealogical tables
Three-line unrhymed poems consisting of 17 syllables that express a single idea, image, or feeling that is generally related to nature. For three-line unrhymed humorous poems consisting of 17 syllables that generally satirize human nature or emotions see Senryu
Books intended for travelers that provide information about a particular geographical location, often including descriptions of lodgings, restaurants, and places of interest
Holograms -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Hong Kong 2008 : Foundations of computational mathematics, Hong Kong 2008 / edited by Felie Cucker, City University of Hong Kong ; Allan Pinkus, Technicon ; Michael J. Todd, Cornell University
Hongkong 1990 : Asian voices in English / edited by Mimi Chan & Roy Harris
Hongkong 1996 : Sovereign assets and liabilities management : proceedings of a conference held in Hong Kong SAR / edited by Marcel Cassard and David Folkerts-Landau
Hongkong 2004 : Parallel and distributed processing and applications : second international symposium, ISPA 2004, Hong Kong, China, December 13-15, 2004 ; proceedings / Jiannong Cao ... [and others] (eds.)
Hongkong 2005 : Advanced parallel processing technologies : 6th international workshop, APPT 2005, Hong Kong, China, October 27-28, 2005 : proceedings / Jiannong Cao, Wolfgang Nejdl, Ming Xu (eds.)
Hongkong Kongress 2001 : Recreating Asia : visions for a new century / [edited by] Frank-Jurgen Richter & Pamela C.M. Mar ; [prefaces by Lee Kuan Yew and John Howard]
Honolulu Hawaii 1983 : Cultural values and human ecology in Southeast Asia / edited by Karl L. Hutterer, A. Terry Rambo, and George Lovelace
Honolulu Hawaii 2007 : Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce and Trading Agent Design and Analysis. AAMAS 2007 Workshop, AMEC 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 14, 2007, and AAAI 2007 Workshop, TADA 2007, Vancouver, Canada, July 23, 2007, Selected and Revised Papers / John Collins [and others] (Eds.)