Handbooks Mesh : Rapid paediatrics and child health / Helen A. Brough, Ram Nataraja
Handbooks Publication Type : The evidence-based practice manual for nurses / edited by Jean V. Craig, Rosalind L. Smyth ; foreword by Sarah Mullally
Handbooks Vade Mecums Etc : Handbook of neurochemistry and molecular neurobiology. Neural protein metabolism and function / Abel Lajtha & Naren Banik, [volume editors]
Handschriften Vorm : James Boswell's Life of Johnson : an edition of the original manuscript / edited by Marshall Waingrow
Hangzhou 2005 : Advances in web-age information management : 6th international conference, WAIM 2005, Hangzhou, China, October 11-13, 2005 : proceedings / Wenfei Fan, Zhaohui Wu, Jun Yang (eds.)
Hangzhou 2006 : Technologies for e-learning and digital entertainment : first international conference, Edutainment 2006, Hangzhou, China, April 16-19, 2006 : proceedings / Zhigeng Pan [and others] (eds.)
Hannover 2008 : Adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems : 5th international conference, AH 2008 : Hannover, Germany, July 29-August 1, 2008 : proceedings / Wolfgang Nejdl [and others] (eds.)
Hannover 2010 : Architecture of computing systems, ARCS 2010 : 23rd international conference, Hannover, Germany, February 22-25, 2010 : proceedings / Christian Müller-Schloer, Wolfgang Karl, Sami Yehia (eds.)
Hannover Konferenzschrift 1983 : Produktivitätsentwicklung staatlicher Leistungen / von Peter Friedrich, Kurt Reding, Eberhard Wille ; herausgegeben von Karl Häuser
Hanoi 2008 : Knowledge acquisition, approaches algorithms and applications : Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 15-16, 2008 : revised selected papers / Debbie Richards, Byeong-Ho Kang (eds.)
Films that feature elements of the fantastic, often including magic, supernatural forces, or exotic fantasy worlds
Hartford Conn 2003 Kongress : Language in the twenty-first century : selected papers of the millenial conferences of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, held at ... / edited by Humphrey Tonkin, Timothy Reagan
Hartford Dummies (Publishing) Connecticut 1865 : Nurse and spy in the Union army : comprising the adventures and experiences of a woman in hospitals, camps, and battlefields / by S. Emma E. Edmonds with illustrations
Hartford Publishers' Advertisements Connecticut 1865 : Nurse and spy in the Union army : comprising the adventures and experiences of a woman in hospitals, camps, and battlefields / by S. Emma E. Edmonds with illustrations
Lists of words and/or phrases that are used to index and/or retrieve content, and that may include cross-references. For lists of words and their synonyms and often their antonyms see Thesauri (Dictionaries)
Health And Fitness Diseases General : Managing pain in children : a clinical guide for nurses and healthcare professionals / edited by Alison Twycross, Head of Department, Children's Nursing, Reader, Children's Pain Management, London South Bank University, United Kingdom, Stephanie Dowden, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Paediatric Palliative Care, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia and Jennifer Stinson, Nurse Clinician Scientist and Nurse Practitioner, Chronic Pain Programme, the Hospital for Sick Children, Associate Professor of Nursing, Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Hefei 2009 : Frontiers in algorithmics : third international workshop, FAW 2009, Hefei, China, June 20-23, 2009 : proceedings / Xiaotie Deng, John E. Hopcroft, Jinyun Xue (eds.)
Heidelberg 2004 : The many faces of health, competence and well-being in old age : integrating epidemiological, psychological, and social perspectives / edited by Hans-Werner Wahl [and others]
Heidelberg <2005> Kongress : Die deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerke : Redaktions- und religionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven zur "Deuteronomismus"-Diskussion in Tora und Vorderen Propheten / herausgegeben von Markus Witte [and others] ; unter Mitarbeit von Johannes F. Diehl
Heijen 2008 : Advanced functional programming : 6th International School, AFP 2008, Heijen, the Netherlands, May 19-24, 2008, revised lectures / Pieter Koopman, Rinus Plasmeijer, Doaitse Swierstra (eds.)