Narrative studies of families and the tracing of their lineages and histories. For lineages of people, or purebred animals in tabular or diagrammatic form see Genealogical tables
Lineages of people or purebred animals in tabular or diagrammatic form. For narrative studies of families and the tracing of their lineages and histories see Family histories
General HEALTH & FITNESS Diseases : Managing pain in children : a clinical guide for nurses and healthcare professionals / edited by Alison Twycross, Head of Department, Children's Nursing, Reader, Children's Pain Management, London South Bank University, United Kingdom, Stephanie Dowden, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Paediatric Palliative Care, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia and Jennifer Stinson, Nurse Clinician Scientist and Nurse Practitioner, Chronic Pain Programme, the Hospital for Sick Children, Associate Professor of Nursing, Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
General TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Construction : CPM scheduling for construction : best practices and guidelines / edited by Christopher Carson, PMP, PSP, DRMP, Peter Oakander, Craig Relyea
Films that comically imitate another work or group of works of a more serious nature. For films that use wit, irony, or sarcasm to hold up human vices or foibles to ridicule or scorn see Satirical films
Films that comically imitate another work or group of works of a more serious nature. For films that use wit, irony, or sarcasm to hold up human vices or foibles to ridicule or scorn see Satirical films
Genre Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Gent 1973 : Universalism Versus Relativism in Language and Thought : Proceedings of a Colloquium on the Sapir-Whorf Hypotheses / ed. Rik Pinxten
Gent 2009 : Developments in 3D geo-information sciences / Tijs Neutens, Philippe De Maeyer, editors
Genua 2007 : Semantic multimedia : Second International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2007, Genoa, Italy, December 5-7, 2007 : proceedings / Bianca Falcidieno [and others] (eds.)
Geological Cross Sections : Tomography of the Earth's crust : from geophysical sounding to real-time monitoring : GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report no. 21 / edited by Michael Weber, Ute Munch
Georgia (Republic) Feature Films : Quchis dgeebi = Street days / Independent Film Project ; Moving Pictures ; Georgian Public Broadcaster ; a film by Levan Koguashvili ; written by Levan Koguashvili, Nikolas Marr, Boris Frumin ; with the participation of Andro Sakhvarelidze ; produced by Archil Gelovani, Levan Korinteli, Gia Bazgadze
Georgian Foreign Language Films : Quchis dgeebi = Street days / Independent Film Project ; Moving Pictures ; Georgian Public Broadcaster ; a film by Levan Koguashvili ; written by Levan Koguashvili, Nikolas Marr, Boris Frumin ; with the participation of Andro Sakhvarelidze ; produced by Archil Gelovani, Levan Korinteli, Gia Bazgadze
Georgics : Georgics / Virgil ; translated by Peter Fallon ; with an introduction and notes by Elaine Fantham