Convicts Addresses : A Correct journal of the conduct of the two unfortunate prisoners, Sinclair & Johnson : from the time of their conviction until their execution : with a biographical sketch of their lives, as delivered by themselves, the day previous to which they were to be executed, with the dying declarations of the culprits, under their own signatures, and an interesting letter from Johnson to the woman with whom he lived, and who was supposed to be his wife. / Taken by a person who visited the unhappy men from day to day, till the period which terminated their mortal existence
Cookbooks 1890 1899 : Encarnación's kitchen : Mexican recipes from nineteenth-century California : selections from Encarnación Pinedo's El cocinero español / edited and translated by Dan Strehl ; with an essay by Victor Valle
Books consisting of designs or plans that are circulated or published to enable widespread copying
Coral Gables Fla University Of Miami : Invasion and transformation : interdisciplinary perspectives on the conquest of Mexico / edited by Rebecca P. Brienen and Margaret A. Jackson
Cork 2009 : Wireless sensor networks : 6th European Conference, EWSN 2009, Cork, Ireland, February 11-13, 2009, proceedings / Utz Roedig, Cormac J. Sreenan, (eds.)
Instruments that establish bodies politic or other organizations, or that grant rights, liberties, or powers to their citizens or members and for the governing documents that set forth the basic terms of a corporation's existence
Art created by using the postal service to transport a work in progress, so as to incorporate postal markings such as stamps and postmarks into the art
Plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic drama
Fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, alien invasion, pandemic, environmental collapse), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic fiction