Chinese Poetry : A scholar's path : an anthology of classical Chinese poems and prose of Chen Qing Shan : a pioneer writer of Malayan-Singapore literature = [Qing shan gu dao] / English translation and appreciation by Peter Chen & Michael Tan ; reviewed by Chiu Ming Chan
Medieval chivalric tales written in prose or poetry that depict an idealized code of civilized behavior that combines loyalty, honor, and courtly love. For fiction that primarily depicts romantic love see Romance fiction
CHO E-Book [Online Only] : Cambridge history of science (2003). Volume 4, Eighteenth-century science
Chongqing 2009 : Logic, Rationality, and Interaction : Second International Workshop, LORI 2009, Chongqing, China, October 8-11, 2009. Proceedings / Xiangdong He, John Horty, Eric Pacuit (Eds.)
Choruses Secular Childrens Voices : Silence, on chante! : Music, camera, action! : grands thèmes musicaux du cinéma pour chœur = Great movie scores for choir