Instruments that establish bodies politic or other organizations, or that grant rights, liberties, or powers to their citizens or members and for the governing documents that set forth the basic terms of a corporation's existence
Cetraro 2003 : Hyperbolic systems of balance laws : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, July 14-21, 2003 / Alberto Bressan [and others] ; editor, Pierangelo Marcati
Cetraro Konferenzschrift 2017 : Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations : Cetraro, Italy 2017 / Matthias Hieber, James C. Robinson, Yoshihiro Shibata ; Giovanni P. Galdi, Yoshihiro Shibata, editors
Chaconnes Music : Works for violin and orchestra / Ottorino Respighi
Chainlines Paper : The history of the principal transactions of the Irish Parliament, from the year 1634 to 1666 : containing proceedings of the Lords and Commons, during the Administration of the Earl of Strafford, and of the First Duke of Ormond: with A Narrative of His Crace's Life, collected from the Papers of Sir Robert Southwell, Knt., Secretary of State in Ireland, and President of the Royal Society. To which is Prefixed, A Preliminary Discourse on the Ancient Parliaments of that Kingdom. By the Right Hon. Lord Mountmorres. In two volumes
Chamber Symphonies : Hommage à FD : imaginary scenes for five instruments and female voice ; Chamber symphony 3 (2007) : for two pianos and three groups of instruments ; Ich höre mich (2006) : Rondo for soprano, oboe (English Horn), violoncello and piano ; Concerto for viola and orchestra / Rudolf Kelterborn
Champaign Urbana Ill 2004 : Consumer choice : social welfare & health policy / edited by Robert F. Rich & Christopher T. Erb
Musical compositions created by chance methods or that may be performed in random or indeterminate style
Chania 2009 : Visioning and engineering the knowledge society : a web science perspective : second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 16-18, 2009 : proceedings / Militiadis D. Lytras [and others] (eds.)
Chansons Humoristiques : Broadway fanatic. Well now I've seen everything / written by Laura Heywood & Dana Craig ; directed & edited by Dana Craig ; produced by Dana Craig
Chantilly Va 2009 : Web reasoning and rule systems : third international conference, RR 2009, Chantilly, VA, USA, October 25-26, 2009 ; proceedings / Axel Polleres, Terrance Swift (eds.)
Chapbooks : Race Rhymes / by Carrie Williams Clifford
Charades : Victorian geographical and biographical charades : intended as pastime for winter evenings combining amusement with instruction / by I.S. Hunter Young
Instruments that establish bodies politic or other organizations, or that grant rights, liberties, or powers to their citizens or members and for the governing documents that set forth the basic terms of a corporation's existence
Instruments that establish bodies politic or other organizations, or that grant rights, liberties, or powers to their citizens or members and for the governing documents that set forth the basic terms of a corporation's existence
Checklists : An illustrated checklist of the insects of Tasmania. Part 1, Coleoptera beetles / S.J. Grove, L.G. Forster, N. Porch
Cheju 2009 : Management enabling the future Internet for changing business and new computing services : 12th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, APNOMS 2009, Jeju, South Korea, September 23-25, 2009 : proceedings / Choong Seon Hong [and others] (eds.)