Brussel 2009 : Task models and diagrams for user interface design : 8th international workshop, TAMODIA 2009, Brussels, Belgium, September 23-25, 2009 : revised selected papers / David England [and others] (eds.)
Brüssel Konferenzschrift 2014 : Reforming the common European asylum system : the new European refugee law / edited by Vincent Chetail, Philippe De Bruycker, Francesco Maiani
Buchenbach 1983 : Wachstumsverlangsamung und Konjunkturzyklen in unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftssystemen / von Armin Bohnet [and others] ; herausgegeben von Alfred Schüller
Fiction with rural settings that idealize rustic, rural, or small-town life
Budapest 1993 : Computer analysis of images and patterns : 5th International Conference, CAIP '93, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15, 1993 : proceedings / Dmitry Chetverikov, Walter G. Kropatsch (eds.)
Budapest 1998 : Towards lifelong learning in Hungary / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and European Commission Phare Programme
Budapest 2000 : Heart disease : environment, stress, and gender / edited by Gerdi Weidner, Mária S. Kopp and Margareta Kristenson
Budapest 2005 : Software process improvement : 12th European conference, EuroSPI 2005, Budapest, Hungary, November 9-11, 2005 : proceedings / Ita Richardson, Pekka Abrahamsson, Richard Messnarz (eds.)
Budapest 2006 : Applications of evolutionary computing : EvoWorkshops 2006 : EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Budapest, Hungary, April 10-12, 2006 : proceedings / Franz Rothlauf et al. (eds.)
Budapest 2008 : Building bridges : between mathematics and computer science / Martin Grötschel, Gyula O. Katona (eds.)
Budmerice 2005 : Topology-based methods in visualization / Helwig Hauser, Hans Hagen, Holger Theisel, editors
Buenos Aires 1986 : External debt, savings, and growth in Latin America : papers presented at a seminar sponsored by the International Monetary Fund and the Instituto Torcuato di Tella, held in Buenos Aires on October 13-16, 1986 / edited by Ana María Martirena-Mantel
Buenos Aires 2005 : String processing and information retrieval : 12th international conference, SPIRE 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2-4, 2005 : proceedings / Mariano Consens, Gonzalo Navarro (eds.)
Bukarest 1976 : Romanian-Finnish Seminar on Complex Analysis : proceedings Bucharest, Romania, June 27-July 2, 1976 / edited by Cabiria Andreian Cazacu [and others]
Includes posters for plays; minstrel, Lilliputian, burlesque, and vaudeville shows; operas and operettas; revues; musicals; magic; specialty acts, and other stage performancesMain Term
Staged dramatic works in which the actors sing most or all of their parts, and other types of musico-dramatic works that have significant portions of spoken text and have historically been regarded as forming part of the operatic repertory
Burlington, Vt Konferenzschrift 2012 : The Germans and the Holocaust : popular responses to the persecution and murder of the Jews / edited by Susanna Schrafstetter and Alan E. Steinweis
Burmese Personal Narratives : Wartime in Burma : a diary, January to June 1942 / by Theippan Maung Wa (U Sein Tin) ; edited and translated from the Burmese by L.E. Bagshawe and Anna J. Allott
Texts of individual laws as well as codes and compilations of laws passed by a legislature. For laws enacted by a legislature during a particular session or sessions see Session laws
Rules or administrative provisions adopted by an organization for its internal governance and its external dealings. For by-laws established by cities, towns, or other local governmental entities see Municipal ordinances
Rules or administrative provisions adopted by an organization for its internal governance and its external dealings. For by-laws established by cities, towns, or other local governmental entities see Municipal ordinances
Byzantine Poetry : Poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques / Jean Géomètre ; edition, traduction, commentaire par Emilie Marlène van Opstall
Caceres 2004 : Methods in Banach space theory : proceedings of the V Conference on Banach Spaces, Cáceres, Spain, 13-18 September 2004 / edited by Jesús M.F. Castillo, William B. Johnson
Plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic drama
Fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc. For fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, alien invasion, pandemic, environmental collapse), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event, see Apocalyptic fiction