Boston Publishers' Advertisements Massachusetts : The treatise on religious affections / by the late Rev. Jonathan Edwards, A.M. ; Somewhat abridged, by the removal of the principal tautologies of the original ; and by an attempt to render the language throughout more perspicuous and energetic. ; To which is now added, a copious index of subjects. ; [Seven-line endorsement]
Boston Publishers' Advertisements Massachusetts 1865 : The equality of all men before the law : claimed and defended / in speeches by Hon. William D. Kelley, Wendell Phillips, and Frederick Douglass, and letters from Elizur Wright and Wm. Heighton
Boulder Colo 1998 : Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics : from 10⁻³³ to 10²⁸ cm : TASI 98 : Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1-26 June 1998 / editor, Paul Langacker
Fiction in which the reader chooses from a number of possible options for developing the story
Brasilia 1997 : Fiscal decentralisation in emerging economies : governance issues / edited by Kiichiro Fukasaku and Luiz R. de Mello Jr
Brazilian Fiction : The posthumous memoirs of Brás Cubas : a novel / by Joachim Maria Machado de Assis ; translated from the Portuguese by Gregory Rabassa ; with a foreword by Enylton de Sá Rego and an afterword by Gilberto Pinheiro Passos
Briefsammlung 1831 1836 : The Beagle letters / Charles Darwin ; edited by Frederick Burkhardt ; with an introduction by Janet Browne
Briefsammlung 1855 1860 : Arthur Schopenhauer : new material by him and about him / by Dr. David Asher ; edited and translated by Dan Farrelly
Briefsammlung 1861 1865 : The Lincoln mailbag : America writes to the President, 1861-1865 / edited by Harold Holzer
Briefsammlung 1940 1951 : Hermann Broch : Briefe an Erich von Kahler (1940-1951) / herausgegeben von Paul Michael Lützeler
Briefsammlung 1941 1945 : My dear Mr. Stalin : the complete correspondence between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin / edited, with commentary, by Susan Butler
Brighton 1994 : Computer security : ESORICS 94 : third European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Brighton, United Kingdom, November 7-9, 1994 : proceedings / Dieter Gollmann (ed.)
Brisbane 2000 : Adsorption science and technology : proceedings of the Second Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology : Brisbane, Australia, 14-18 May 2000 / editor, Duong D. Do
Bristol 2006 : Adaptive structures : engineering applications / edited by David Wagg [and others]
Broadsides England London 17th Century : Short memorandum's upon the deaths of M. Philip Evans and M. John Lloyd both priests, who were executed at Cardiff in Glamorganshire the 22. day of July, 1679
Posters or single-sheet programs advertising a theatrical performance, usually listing the cast. For booklets that provide a description of a performance and its cast and crew, and are typically distributed to audience members, see Theater programs
Brussel 2009 : Task models and diagrams for user interface design : 8th international workshop, TAMODIA 2009, Brussels, Belgium, September 23-25, 2009 : revised selected papers / David England [and others] (eds.)
Brüssel Konferenzschrift 2014 : Reforming the common European asylum system : the new European refugee law / edited by Vincent Chetail, Philippe De Bruycker, Francesco Maiani