Bibliographie 1750 2000 : Bibliographia systematica Orthopterorum saltatoriorum = Systematic bibliography of saltatorial Orthoptera from Linnaean times to the end of the 20th century (about 1750 to 2000) / compiled by Sigfrid Ingrisch & Fer Willemse
Bibliographie 1900 1957 : Hermann Hesse and his critics : the criticism and bibliography of half a century / by Joseph Mileck
Bibliographie 1991 1999 : Research activities of the International Monetary Fund, January 1991-December 1999 / prepared by the Interdepartmental Working Group on Fund Research
Bibliotheekcatalogi Vorm : The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection at Hamilton College : a catalogue of books, manuscripts, prints, maps, and drawings, 1521-1860 / prepared by Samuel J. Hough and Penelope R.O. Hough
Bielefeld 1999 : Groups : topological, combinatorial, and arithmetic aspects / edited by T.W. Müller
Bielefeld (2006) Kongress : Fortgeschrittene Lernervarietäten : Korpuslinguistik und Zweitspracherwerbsforschung / herausgegeben von Maik Walter und Patrick Grommes
Films that feature the execution of a particularly difficult undertaking, often questionable or illegal, the success of which depends on skill and careful planning
Bilingual Pitjandjara Language Materials Juvenile : Alitjinya ngura tjukurtjarangka = Alitji in the dreamtime / adapted and translated from Lewis Carroll's story, Alice's adventures in Wonderland, by Nancy Sheppard ; illustrations by Byron S. Sewell ; edited by Barbara Ker Wilson
Bilingual Spanish Language Materials : Song of the heart : selected poems / by Ramón López Velarde ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden ; art by Juan Soriano
Bilingües Materiales En Español : Symmetric generation of groups : with applications to many of the sporadic finite simple groups / Robert T. Curtis
Binders Tickets Canada : A treatise on the principles of the law of compensation / by C.A. Cripps
Binding Errors Binding New York State New York 1783 1789 : Dissertations moral and critical : On memory and imagination. On dreaming. The theory of language. On fable and romance. On the attachments of kindred. Illustrations on sublimity / by James Beattie, LL. D. professor of moral philosophy and logick in the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen ; and member of the Zealand Society of Arts and Sciences
Bindings : Cream 3 : contemporary art in culture / 10 curators, 100 contemporary artists; 10 source artists
Binghamton Kongress 2001 : Transformational and charismatic leadership : the road ahead / edited by Bruce J. Avolio, Francis J. Yammarino