Authors Inscriptions Ontario 20th Century : Life of Sir John Beverly Robinson, BART., C.B., D.C.L., chief-justice of Upper Canada / by Major-General C.W. Robinson, C.B. ; with a preface by George R. Parkin, C.M.G., LL.D
Authors Presentation Copies Provenance England 17th Century : Apostolike obedience : shewing the duty of subiects to pay tribute and taxes to their princes according to the word of God, in the law and the Gospell ... a sermon preached at Northampton, at the assises for the countie, Febr. 22. 1626 / by Robert Sybthorpe ..
Authors Presentation Copies Switzerland 19th Century : Essai theorique et pratique sur la cure de raisins : etudiee plus specialement a Vevey suivi de quelques remarques sur les conditions hygieniques de cette ville et de plusieurs tableaux meteorolgiques / par H. Curchod .
Autobiografie : An American in Hitler's Berlin : Abraham Plotkin's diary, 1932-33 / edited and with an introduction by Catherine Collomp and Bruno Groppo
Fiction that is based on events in the author's life but employs fictional characters intermixed with fictional events. For works that present themselves as autobiographies but whose narrators and events are fictional see Fictional autobiographies
Autobiographical Television Programs : The 44th president : in his own words / producer, Patrick Rockecharlie ; produced by Texas Crew Productions for History
Works that present themselves as autobiographies but whose narrators and events are fictional. For fiction that is based on events in the author's life, but employs fictional characters intermixed with fictional events, see Autobiographical fiction