A transient loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished blood flow to the brain (i.e., BRAIN ISCHEMIA). Presyncope refers to the sensation of lightheadedness and loss of strength that precedes a syncopal event or accompanies an incomplete syncope. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp367-9)
A transient loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished blood flow to the brain (i.e., BRAIN ISCHEMIA). Presyncope refers to the sensation of lightheadedness and loss of strength that precedes a syncopal event or accompanies an incomplete syncope. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp367-9)
A transient loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished blood flow to the brain (i.e., BRAIN ISCHEMIA). Presyncope refers to the sensation of lightheadedness and loss of strength that precedes a syncopal event or accompanies an incomplete syncope. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp367-9)
A transient loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished blood flow to the brain (i.e., BRAIN ISCHEMIA). Presyncope refers to the sensation of lightheadedness and loss of strength that precedes a syncopal event or accompanies an incomplete syncope. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp367-9)
Here are entered works on the relations of Christianity with other religions. Works on the Christian theology of religions other than Christianity as a means of salvation are entered under Theology of religions (Christian theology)For works limited to relations with one religion, an additional subject entry is made under the name of the religion with the subdivision Relations--Christianity, e.g. Buddhism--Relations--Christianity
Syncretism (Religion) -- Brazil : Relocating the sacred : African divinities and Brazilian cultural hybridities / Niyi Afolabi
Syncretism (Religion) -- Hispaniola : Caciques and Cemí idols : the web spun by Taíno rulers between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico / José R. Oliver
Syncretism (Religion) in art. : The Serpent of good and evil : a reconciliation in the life and art of Miriam-Rose Ingunmerr-Baumann / Patricia R. Derrington
Syncretism (Religion) -- Latin America : Words & worlds turned around : Indigenous Christianities in colonial Latin America / edited by David Tavárez ; with a foreword by William B. Taylor
Syncretism (Religion) -- Mexico : Visualizing the miraculous, visualizing the sacred : evangelization and the "cultural war" in sixteenth century Mexico / by Robert H. Jackson
Here are entered works which deal from a Lutheran point of view with joint worship and work among adherents of church bodies not united in doctrine. Works which deal with the participation of Catholics with non-Catholics in prayer and other forms of worship are entered under Communicatio in sacris
Syncrude. : Under-mining the environment : the oil sands report card / Simon Dyer [and 3 others]
Multinucleated masses produced by the fusion of many cells; often associated with viral infections. In AIDS, they are induced when the envelope glycoprotein of the HIV virus binds to the CD4 antigen of uninfected neighboring T4 cells. The resulting syncytium leads to cell death and thus may account for the cytopathic effect of the virus
A group of viruses in the PNEUMOVIRUS genus causing respiratory infections in various mammals. Humans and cattle are most affected but infections in goats and sheep have also been reported
A group of viruses in the PNEUMOVIRUS genus causing respiratory infections in various mammals. Humans and cattle are most affected but infections in goats and sheep have also been reported
Multinucleated masses produced by the fusion of many cells; often associated with viral infections. In AIDS, they are induced when the envelope glycoprotein of the HIV virus binds to the CD4 antigen of uninfected neighboring T4 cells. The resulting syncytium leads to cell death and thus may account for the cytopathic effect of the virus
Synd i litteraturen. : Sin and evil : moral values in literature / Ronald Paulson
The joint that is formed by the inferior articular and malleolar articular surfaces of the TIBIA; the malleolar articular surface of the FIBULA; and the medial malleolar, lateral malleolar, and superior surfaces of the TALUS
Purifying or cleansing agents, usually salts of long-chain aliphatic bases or acids, that exert cleansing (oil-dissolving) and antimicrobial effects through a surface action that depends on possessing both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties