The extent to which an enzyme retains its structural conformation or its activity when subjected to storage, isolation, and purification or various other physical or chemical manipulations, including proteolytic enzymes and heat
Stability Airplanes Fuel : Aviation fuel : thermal stability requirements / Perry W. Kirklin and Peter David, editors
Stability and Growth Pact (1997) : Fiscal expectations under the Stability and Growth Pact : evidence from survey data / prepared by Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro and Jan-Christoph Rulke
Stability and Strength Checks : All In One Civil Engineering PE Exam Guide: Stability of Cantilever Retaining Walls / Indranil Goswami
Stability Cerium compounds : Kinetic and thermodynamic stability of cerium (IV) complexes with a series of aliphatic organic compounds / Olga Voskresenskaya
An increased tendency to acquire CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS when various processes involved in chromosome replication, repair, or segregation are dysfunctional
An increased tendency to acquire CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS when various processes involved in chromosome replication, repair, or segregation are dysfunctional
The extent to which an enzyme retains its structural conformation or its activity when subjected to storage, isolation, and purification or various other physical or chemical manipulations, including proteolytic enzymes and heat
Stability Enzymes : Stability and stabilization of biocatalysts : proceedings of an international symposium / organized under auspices of the Working Party on Applied Biocatalysis of the European Federation of Biotechnology, the University of Cordoba, Spain, and the Spanish Society of Biotechnology, Cordoba, Spain, April 19-22, 1998 ; edited by A. Ballesteros [and others]
Stability Enzymes Congresses : Stability and stabilization of biocatalysts : proceedings of an international symposium / organized under auspices of the Working Party on Applied Biocatalysis of the European Federation of Biotechnology, the University of Cordoba, Spain, and the Spanish Society of Biotechnology, Cordoba, Spain, April 19-22, 1998 ; edited by A. Ballesteros [and others]
The extent to which an RNA molecule retains its structural integrity and resists degradation by RNASE, and base-catalyzed HYDROLYSIS, under changing in vivo or in vitro conditions
Stability Nitroso compounds : It's all in the water : studies of materials and conditions in fresh and salt water bodies / Mark A. Benvenuto, editor [and others] ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, Inc