Manufactures Victoria Planning : Vision 10 : a ten year vision statement for manufacturing in Victoria / Manufacturing Council of Victoria, [prepared with the assistance of the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research]
Manufactures Warrnambool (Vic) Directories : Warrnambool manufacturing directory 1987 : a listing of manufacturers operating in the Warrnambool Region / compiled by David Mackay, Pauline O'Brien
Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities -- organization & administration : Academia and industrial pilot plant operations and safety / Mary K. Moore, editor, Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, Tennessee ; Elmer B. Ledesma, editor, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Here are entered works on the planning and control of the mechanical means of changing the shape, condition, and relationship of materials for greater effectiveness and value. Works on the application of engineering principles and techniques to the design, installation and improvement of integrated systems employing persons, materials, and equipment for a high level of productivity at an optimum cost are entered under Industrial engineering
Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory (U.S.) / : An Assessment of Four Divisions of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology: Fiscal Year 2018
MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES. : Export growth in Latin America : policies and performance / Carla Macario with Regis Bonelli, Adriaan ten Kate and Gunnar Niels
Manufacturing industries -- Accounting -- Standards -- United States : SOC for supply chain : reporting on an examination of controls relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy in a production, manufacturing, or distribution system Guide / AICPA
Manufacturing industries -- Asia. : The dynamics of local learning in global value chains : experiences from East Asia / edited by Momoko Kawakami and Timothy J. Sturgeon
Manufacturing industries -- Auditing -- Standards -- United States : SOC for supply chain : reporting on an examination of controls relevant to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy in a production, manufacturing, or distribution system Guide / AICPA