The number of mutations that occur in a specific sequence, GENE, or GENOME over a specified period of time such as years, CELL DIVISIONS, or generations
Electromagnetic waves with frequencies between about 3 kilohertz (very low frequency - VLF) and 300,000 megahertz (extremely high frequency - EHF). They are used in television and radio broadcasting, land and satellite communications systems, radionavigation, radiolocation, and DIATHERMY. The highest frequency radio waves are MICROWAVES
Electromagnetic waves with frequencies between about 3 kilohertz (very low frequency - VLF) and 300,000 megahertz (extremely high frequency - EHF). They are used in television and radio broadcasting, land and satellite communications systems, radionavigation, radiolocation, and DIATHERMY. The highest frequency radio waves are MICROWAVES
Fréquentation scolaire. : Breaking the cycle of educational alienation : a multi-professional approach / Richard Williams and Colin Pritchard
Frequentie. : Frequency and the emergence of linguistic structure / edited by Joan Bybee, Paul Hopper
Frequentieanalyse. : Time and frequency domain solutions of EM problems : using integral equations and a hybrid methodology / B.H Jung [and others]
Frequentietoewijzing. : Cognitive wireless communication networks / edited by Vijay K. Bhargava and Ekram Hossain
Frequenz : Standards of reasonableness in local freight discriminations by John Maurice Clark
Frequenz Englische Sprache USA Wörterbuch : A frequency dictionary of contemporary American English : word sketches, collocates, and thematic lists / Mark Davies and Dee Gardner