Here are entered theoretical works on the relations among the nations of the world. Works on general political history and historical accounts of relations among nations are entered under World politics. Works on the foreign relations of an individual country are entered under the name of the country with the subdivision Foreign relations --subdivisions Foreign relations and Foreign relations administration under names of regions, countries, and groups of countries
foreign policy China regional politics : Building 'a harmonious world'? Chinese perceptions of regional order and implications for Australia / Jian Zhang
foreign policy India Sa : Natural allies : a blueprint for the future of U.S.-India relations / by Richard L. Armitage, R. Nicholas Burns, Richard Fontaine
foreign policy Indonesia : Seeing Indonesia as a normal country implications for Australia / Andrew MacIntyre and Douglas E. Ramage
foreign policy Iran : Understanding Iran / Jerrold D. Green, Frederic Wehrey, Charles Wolf, Jr
foreign policy Iran Middle East : Dangerous but not omnipotent : exploring the reach and limitations of Iranian power in the Middle East / Frederic Wehrey [and others]
foreign policy Mexico USA : The impact of President Felipe Calderón's war on drugs on the armed forces : the prospects for Mexico's "militarization" and bilateral relations / George W. Grayson
foreign policy North Korea criminality : Criminal sovereignty : understanding North Korea's illicit international activities / Paul Rexton Kan, Bruce E. Bechtol, Jr., Robert M. Collins
foreign policy Russia : Russian foreign policy : sources and implications / Olga Oliker [and others]
foreign policy Russia Caucasus : Managing conflict and integration in the South Caucasus a challenge for the European Union / Neil Melvin (SIPRI) and Giulia Prelz Oltramonti (ULB)