World Council of Churches. Commission on Faith and Order. / : The church in relation to the world : a conceptual analysis of the church world relationship and a study of the use of performative language and discursive strategies in three documents of the World Council of Churches' Faith and Order Commission / Ch. Albert Jan Stam
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. / : World Council of Enterostomal Therapists journal : WCET journal : official journal of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists
World Council of Indigenous Peoples. / : Brotherhood to Nationhood : George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement / Peter McFarlane with Doreen Manuel, Foreword by Dr. Pamela Palmater, Afterword by Kanahus Manuel
World Cup (Soccer) (1990 : Italy) : Gayelle. 1990-1991 series 1, programme 13 / directed by S. John-Frontin, R, I. Carrington ; produced by Suzanne Salandy, S. John Frontin ; Banyan
World Cup (Soccer) (1994) / : Twenty-two foreigners in funny shorts : the intelligent fan's guide to soccer and World Cup '94 / Pete Davies