Women and socialism -- Africa -- Congresses : On African women's equality, role in national liberation, development and peace : report and proceedings of the Regional Seminar for Africa held in connection with International Women's Year, in Mogadishu April 3rd to 5th 1975
Women and socialism -- Case studies. : Socialist women : European socialist feminism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / edited by Marilyn J. Boxer & Jean H. Quataert
Women and socialism -- Europe -- Case studies. : Socialist women : European socialist feminism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / edited by Marilyn J. Boxer & Jean H. Quataert
Women and socialism -- Europe, Central : Gender politics and everyday life in state socialist Eastern and Central Europe / edited by Shana Penn and Jill Massino
Women and socialism -- Europe, Eastern : Gender politics and everyday life in state socialist Eastern and Central Europe / edited by Shana Penn and Jill Massino
Women and socialism -- Europe, Eastern -- History. : Women's movements : networks and debates in post-communist countries in the 19th and 20th centuries / Edith Saurer, Margareth Lanzinger / Elisabeth Frysak (Hg.)
Women and socialism -- Germany. : The emancipation of women : the rise and decline of the women's movement in German social democracy, 1863-1933 / translated [from the German] by Joris de Bres
Women and socialism -- History : The first hundred years : a short history of Socialist International Women = Die ersten hundert Jahre : eine kurze Geschichte der Sozialistischen Fraueninternationale / Socialist International Women (ed.)