This heading is assigned to country music for two or more performers --headings for music of individual instruments followed by the qualifier "(Country)" and the subdivisions Methods (Country) and Studies and exercises (Country) under individual musical instruments and families of instruments
Western architecture (Western countries) -- See Architecture
Here are entered works on the design and style of structures. Works on the process of construction are entered under Building. General works on structures or edifices are entered under BuildingsThis heading is subdivided by place for works on architecture indigenous to the place named, e.g. Architecture--United States. The heading is qualified by a national qualifier for works on architecture of the type named in the qualifier but located in other places, e.g. Architecture, American--India --headings beginning with the word Architectural
Western Arrernte language -- English : Introductory dictionary of Western Arrernte / compiled by Gavan Breen, with cultural information by John Pfitzner
--subdivision Music under ethnic groups for music of the group; and subdivision Songs and music under names of persons, corporate bodies, places, classes of persons, ethnic groups, wars, and topical headings for collections or single works of vocal or instrumental music about the topic or entity
Here are entered general works on the visual arts. Works on the arts in general, including the visual arts, literature, and the performing arts, are entered under Arts --subdivision Art under names of individual persons who lived before 1400, and under names of deities, mythological or legendary figures, and fictitious characters, for collections of art depicting the person, deity, or character, and under headings of the type [topic]--[subdivision], e.g. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Art; Zephyrus (Greek deity)--Art; Holy Cross--Legends--Art; also subdivision In art under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, under individual Christian denominations, and under uniform titles for their representation as physical objects, e.g. Bible--In art; and headings of the type [topic] in art, e.g. Christian saints in art