Welfare State (Theatre Company) : Engineers of the imagination : the Welfare State handbook / edited by Tony Coult and Baz Kershaw ; graphic co-ordination by Tony Lewery
Welfare state -- Turkey. : Children, gender and families in Mediterranean welfare states / edited by Mimi Ajzenstadt, John Gal
Welfare state -- Turkey -- 21st century : The politics of the welfare state in Turkey : how social movements and elite competition created a welfare state / Erdem Yörük
Welfare state -- Western countries : Toward a biopsychosocial welfare state? : how medicine and psychology transform social policy / Nadine Reibling, Mareike Ariaans, editors
Welfare work in industries : Welfare and housing : a practical record of war-time management / by J. E. Hutton, manager of the Labour and Catering Department of Vickers Limited. ... ; With 12 illustrations from photographs and two plans
Organized efforts by communities or organizations to improve the health and well-being of the child
Well-being -- Africa : Embracing well-being in diverse African contexts : research perspectives / Lusilda Schutte, Tharina Guse, Marié P. Wissing, editors
Well-being -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Do resource windfalls improve the standard of living in Sub-Saharan African countries? : evidence from a panel of countries / prepared by Munseob Lee and Cheikh A. Gueye
Well-being -- Age factors -- Europe : Ageing, health and pensions in Europe : an economic and social policy perspective / edited by Lans Bovenberg, Arthur Van Soest and Asghar Zaidi
Well-being -- Age factors -- United States : The well-being of America's children : developing and improving the child and youth well-being index / Kenneth C. Land, editor
Well-being -- Amazon River Region : Images of public wealth or the anatomy of well-being in Indigenous Amazonia / edited by Fernando Santos-Granero
Well-being -- Appalachian Region : Appalachian health : culture, challenges, and capacity / edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Randy Wykoff ; foreword by Alonzo Plough
Well-being -- Arab countries : Psychological well-being in the Gulf States : the new Arabia felix / Justin Thomas
Well-being -- Argentina : Estudios sobre condiciones de vida en la Argentina contemporánea / Ignacio Llovet, Patricia Scarponetti (coordinadores)
Well-being -- Belgium : Wat heet dan gelukkig zijn? Geluk, welvaart en welzijn van de Belgen. English
Well-being -- Bolivia : An anthropological journey into well-being : insights from Bolivia / Melania Calestani
Well-being -- Bolivia -- Statistics : Measurement of Trends in Wellbeing, Poverty, and Inequality with Case Studies from Bolivia and Colombia Melanie Grosse
Well-being -- Canada -- Case studies : Military operations and the mind : war ethics and soldiers' well-being / edited by Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger and Daniel Lagacé-Roy
Well-being -- Caribbean Area : Ambiente, cambio climático y buen vivir en América Latina y el Caribe / Tatiana Cuenca Castelblanco [and others]