Weishaupt Forum (Schwendi, Germany) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh92006734 : Weishaupt Forum, Richard Meier : Zum neuen Weishaupt Forum-was gute Architektur sein kann : le nouveau Forum Weishaupt-un exemple de bonne architecture : on the new Weishaupt Forum-what good architecture can be / Werner Blaser ; [translation of German texts into English, D.O. Stephenson ; englische Texte ins Deutsche übersetzt, Claudia Neuenschwander ; traduction française, Georges Monnier]
Weiss, Christian : De sacra poesi Hebraeorum : praelectiones academicae Oxonii habitae / a Roberto Lowth. Metricae Harianae brevis confutatio, et oratio Crewiana. Cum notis et epimetris / Joannis Davidis Michaelis ; suis animadversionibus adjectis edidit Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmuller. Insunt Car. Frid. Richteri de aetate libri Jobi defienda. Atque Christ. Weisii de metro Hariano commentationes
Weiss, Louise, 1893-1983. : Realism, utopia, and the mushroom cloud : four activist intellectuals and their strategies for peace, 1945-1989 : Louise Weiss (France), Leo Szilard (USA), E.P. Thompson (England), Danilo Dolci (Italy) / Michael Bess
Weiss, Peter, 1916-1982 -- Art collections. : The stamp of fantasy : the visual inventiveness of photographic postcards : from the collections of postcards of Gerard Levy, Peter Weiss / Clement Cheroux, Ute Eskildsen
Weiss, Peter -- Criticism and interpretation. : On the natural history of destruction : with essays on Alfred Andersch, Jean Améry and Peter Weiss / W.G. Sebald ; translated from the German by Anthea Bell