Platforms that provide the ability and tools to create and publish information accessed via the INTERNET. Generally these platforms have three characteristics with content user generated, high degree of interaction between creator and viewer, and easily integrated with other sites
Here are entered works on collections of resources in digital formats. Works on collections of discrete items of related data that can be accessed individually, in combination, or as a whole are entered under Data sets
Web archives -- Asia -- Congresses : Digital libraries, universal and ubiquitous access to information : 11th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2008, Bali, Indonesia, December 2-5, 2008 : proceedings / George Buchanan, Masood Masoodian, Sally Jo Cunningham (eds.)
Web archives -- Case studies : History in the age of abundance? : how the web is transforming historical research / Ian Milligan
Web archives -- Law and legislation : Recordkeeping, ethics and law : regulatory models, participant relationships and rights and responsibilities in the online world / by Livia Iacovino
Web archiving -- Germany : Deutsche Archive im digitalen Zeitalter Partizipation, Offenheit, Transparenz Antje Diener-Staeckling, Dagmar Hovestädt, Joachim Kemper, Patricia Lenz, Jens Murken, Mario Glauert, Bastian Gillner, Florian Hoffmann, Rebekka Friedrich, Tim Odendahl, Karsten Kühnel, Elisabeth Steiger, Esther Howell, Thomas Wolf, Andreas Kränzle, Doreen Kelimes, Christoph Sonnlechner, Julia Hennig, Andrea Rönz, Joachim Räth, Joachim Kemper, Thorsten Unger, Peter Worm, Thekla Kluttig, Nadine Seidu, Patricia Lenz, Kai Naumann
Web archiving -- History : Averting the digital dark age how archivists, librarians, and technologists built the web a memory / Ian Milligan