Waterfowl in art. : The animal substitute : an ethnological perspective on the origin of image-making and art / Marjolein Efting Dijkstra
Waterfowl -- Law and legislation. : The Ramsar convention manual : a guide to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat / compiled and edited by T.J. Davis
Waterfowl -- Migration : Bird migration across the Himalayas : wetland functioning amidst mountains and glaciers / edited by Herbert Prins and Tsewang Namgail
Waterfowl shooting -- Great Britain. : The wild-fowler : a treatise on ancient and modern wild-fowling, historical and practical / by Henry Coleman Folkard
Waterfowl shooting -- United States : Steel shot regulations : hearing before the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session on oversight hearings--Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, May 25, 1978
Waterfowl -- Texas : Texas waterfowl / William P. Johnson and Mark W. Lockwood
Waterfronts -- Australia -- South Australia. : Design guide for waterfront houses in South Australia / prepared by Hank Den-Ouden in consultation with the Coastal Management Branch, Department of Environment and Planning, South Australia
Waterfronts -- Conservation and restoration. : Five ideas for transforming the San Francisco waterfront : how to protect communities from climate change, restore shoreline ecology and improve waterfront access -- for everyone / Benjamin Grant, Michelle Huttenhoff, Stephen Engblom, Cristian Bevington, Hugo Errazuriz ; contributors: Joy Woo, Radhya Adityavarman
Waterfronts -- Conservation and restoration -- California -- San Francisco : Five ideas for transforming the San Francisco waterfront : how to protect communities from climate change, restore shoreline ecology and improve waterfront access -- for everyone / Benjamin Grant, Michelle Huttenhoff, Stephen Engblom, Cristian Bevington, Hugo Errazuriz ; contributors: Joy Woo, Radhya Adityavarman
Waterfronts -- Design and construction -- Congresses. : Marinas, parks, and recreation developments : proceedings of the international conference / sponsored by the Ports and Harbors Committee, Marinas 2000 Task Committee of the Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Park and Recreation Planning Committee of the Urban Planning and Development Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, in cooperation with American Society of Landscape Architects ... [and others] : Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 26-30, 1994 ; edited by Marshall Flug and Fred A. Klancnik
Waterfronts -- England -- London -- History : London's Waterfront and its world, 1666-1800 / John Schofield and Stephen Freeth ; with contributions by I M Betts, Lyn Blackmore, Julian Bowsher, Jacqui Pearce and Alan Pipe