Water activity Food Measurement : Instrumental methods for the measurement of moisture content in foods : a survey of techniques and applications / D.J. Steele and N.D.P. Dang
Water -- adverse effects : Groundwater recharge with reclaimed water : birth outcomes in Los Angeles County, 1982-1993 / Elizabeth M. Sloss [and others]
Water -- Alberta -- Management : The waters that bind us : transboundary implications of oil sands development / Peggy Holroyd, Terra Simieritsch
Water allocation. : Irrigation and river basin management : options for governance and institutions / edited by Mark Svendsen
Water -- Aluminum content. : Bioavailability of aluminium from drinking water : co-exposure with foods and beverages / Judie Walton, Graham Hams, David Wilcox
Water -- Analysis -- Instruments. : Prototype apparatus for the collection of a time-integrated water sample for trace heavy metal determination / G.J. Fabris, A. Kilpatrick and K. Smith
Water and architecture -- United States. : Bowling : water, architecture, urbanism / UrbanLab: Sarah Dunn and Martin Felsen ; essays by Stan Allen and John McMorrough ; edited by Ellen Grimes