Water-supply -- Wales : The water supply of England and Wales : its geology, underground circulation, surface distribution, and statistics / by Charles E. De Rance, asso. inst. C.E., F.G.S., member Soc. Arts ; Hon. Memb. Manchester Geol. Soc. ; secretary of the Underground Water Committee of the British Association ; of H.M.'s Geological Survey of England and Wales
Water-supply -- Wales -- Management. : The privatisation of the water industry in England and Wales and the implications for flood hazard management / by Dennis J. Parker
Water-supply -- Wyoming : Public waters : lessons from Wyoming for the American West / Anne Mackinnon
Water-supply -- Yemen (Republic) : Fresh water futures : imagining responses to demand growth, climate change, and the politics of water resource management by 2040 / prepared by the Stimson Center
Water table -- Climatic factors. : Climate change impact on groundwater resources : human health risk assessment in arid and semi-arid regions / Balamurugan Panneerselvam [and 4 more], editor
Water table -- Congresses. : Current practices in ground water and vadose zone investigations / David M. Nielsen and Martin N. Sara, editors
Water table -- Floridan Aquifer : Review of the Everglades aquifer storage and recovery regional study / Committee to Review the Florida Aquifer Storage and Recovery Regional Study Technical Data Report, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Water table -- Great Artesian Basin : Delineation of recharge beds in the Great Artesian Basin using airborne gamma-radiometrics and satellite remote sensing / Phil N. Bierwirth and Wendy D. Welsh