VUCA. : More for Less : the Complex Adaptive Leader / by Nick Obolensky
Vucanovich, Barbara F., 1921-2013. : Barbara F. Vucanovich : from Nevada to Congress, and back again / Barbara F. Vucanovich and Patricia D. Cafferata
Vučedol culture. : Baden, Kostolac, Vučedol and Vinkovci The Late Eneolithic, Transition Period, and Early Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin and the Western Balkans
Here are entered works on the major folk religion practiced primarily in Haiti and parts of the southern United States. Works on a form of cult magic practiced primarily in the southern United States are entered under Hoodoo (Cult)
Vught (Concentration camp) / : Nazi camps and their neighbouring communities : history, memory, and memorialization / Helen J. Whatmore-Thomson
Vulcanismo -- Modelos matemáticos : Global volcanic hazards and risk / edited by Susan C. Loughlin, British Geological Survey, Steve Sparks, University of Bristol, Sarah K. Brown, University of Bristol, Susanna F. Jenkins, University of Bristol, Charlotte Vye-Brown, British Geological Survey