Virginia Law enforcement : Project Exile : a case study in successful gun law enforcement : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, November 4, 1999
Virginia Law schools Charlottesville : The law school at the University of Virginia : architectural expansion in the realm of Thomas Jefferson / Philip Mills Herrington
Virginia Legislation History 17th century : Statute law in colonial Virginia : governors, assemblymen, and the revisals that forged the Old Dominion / Warren M. Billings
Virginia Legislation History 18th century : Statute law in colonial Virginia : governors, assemblymen, and the revisals that forged the Old Dominion / Warren M. Billings
Virginia Legislative power Early works to 1800 : Report of a case decided on Saturday, the 16th of November, 1793, in the General Court of Virginia, wherein Peter Kamper, was plaintiff, against Mary Hawkins, defendant : on a question adjourned from the District Court of Dumfries, for novelty and difficulty touching the constitutionality of an act of Assembly : together with arguments and opinions of the respective judges at large and the order of court thereon / by a Gentleman of the bar
Virginia Lighthouses : Sunday morning. Almanac : March 31, 1791 / produced by Columbia Broadcasting System
Virginia Limitation of actions : An essay upon the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed April 3, 1838 : entitled "An act amending the Statute of Limitations", and founded on the English statute of 9 Geo. IV C 14 : with a preliminary inquiry into the law of new promises, under the "Statute of Limitations" / by William T. Joynes
Virginia -- Literature. : The literature of Virginia in the seventeenth century / [by] Howard Mumford Jones ; with the aid of Sue Bonner Walcutt
Virginia Literature and history History 19th century : Nat Turner : a troublesome property / directed by Charles Burnett ; produced by Frank Christopher ; written by Charles Burnett, Frank Christopher, Kenneth S. Greenberg ; produced in association with KQED Public Television ; a production of subpix LLC
Virginia Local government : The seventeenth-century sheriff : a comparative study of the sheriff in England and the Chesapeake colonies, 1607-1689 / Cyrus Harreld Karraker, Ph. D., associate professor of history, Birmingham-Southern College
Virginia -- Manassas Park : The little school system that could : transforming a city school district / Daniel L. Duke
Virginia Mandatory sentences : Project Exile : a case study in successful gun law enforcement : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, November 4, 1999
Virginia Manuscripts Upperville Catalogs : An Oak Spring flora : flower illustration from the fifteenth century to the present time : a selection of rare books, manuscripts and works of art in the collection of Rachel Lambert Mellon / by Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi
Virginia -- Maps : Hypsometric Map US States Virginia /