Violence in adolescence -- Treatment : Social responsibility therapy for adolescents and young adults : a multicultural treatment manual for harmful behavior / James M. Yokley
Violence in adolescence -- United States -- Juvenile literature : The truth about violence / Robert N. Golden, general editor, Fred L. Peterson, general editor ; Karl Larson, principal author ; Health Dingwell and William McCay, contributing authors ; William Kane, adviser to the first edition, Mark J. Kittleson, adviser to the first edition ; Richelle Rennegarbe
Violence in art -- Congresses : Gewalt und Ästhetik : zur Gewalt und ihrer Darstellung in der griechischen Klassik / herausgegeben von Bernd Seidensticker und Martin Vöhler
Violence in art -- Economic aspects : Marketing violence : the affective economy of violent imageries in the Dutch Republic / Frans-Willem Korsten, Inger Leemans, Cornelis van der Haven, and Karel Vanhaesebrouck
Here are entered works on children's experiences with, conceptions of, and reactions to violence. Works on children's violent behavior are entered under Violence in children
Violence in children -- Great Britain. : Juvenile violence in a winner-loser culture : socio-economic and familial origins of the rise in violence against the person / Oliver James
Violence in children -- Mexico : Educación, violencia y muerte en menores mexicanos : temas útiles al peritaje para infantes / Liliana Torres Sanders, coordinadora
Violence in literature -- History : 'A great effusion of blood'? : interpreting medieval violence / edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, Oren Falk