Villawood Detention Centre. / : The observance of human rights at the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre, August 1983 / Human Rights Commission
Villawood Immigration Detention Centre (Sydney, N.S.W.) : Report of an inquiry into a complaint by Mr Mohammed Badraie on behalf of his son Shayan regarding acts or practices of the Commonwealth of Australia (the Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs) / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Villawood (NSW) Detention of persons Australia : Report of an inquiry into a complaint by Mr AV of a breach of his human rights while in immigration detention / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Villazón, Rolando : Mission incognito. Rolando Villazon / a film by Beatrix Conrad, Claus Wischmann ; producer, Claus Wischmann ; produced by Sounding Images
Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de, 1510-1571? : History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, otherwise called America / Jean de Léry ; translation and introduction by Janet Whatley
Villegas y Hurtado de Mendoza, Micaela, 1739-1819 -- Drama : Un tríptico del Perú virreinal : el virrey Amat, el marqués de Soto Florido y la Perricholi ; el drama de dos palanganas y su circunstancia / estudio, preliminar, reedición y notas por Guillermo Lohmann Villena