Complex pain syndrome with unknown etiology, characterized by constant or intermittent generalized vulva pain (Generalized vulvodynia) or localized burning sensations in the VESTIBULE area when pressure is applied (Vestibulodynia, or Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome). Typically, vulvar tissue with vulvodynia appears normal without infection or skin disease. Vulvodynia impacts negatively on a woman's quality of life as it interferes with sexual and daily activities
An oval, bony chamber of the inner ear, part of the bony labyrinth. It is continuous with bony COCHLEA anteriorly, and SEMICIRCULAR CANALS posteriorly. The vestibule contains two communicating sacs (utricle and saccule) of the balancing apparatus. The oval window on its lateral wall is occupied by the base of the STAPES of the MIDDLE EAR
Vestido de noiva Rodrigues, Nelson : Impermanent structures : semiotic readings of Nelson Rodrigues' Vestido de noiva, Album de família, and Anjo negro / by Fred M. Clark
Vestindisk-Guineiske kompagni. / : Mutiny in the Danish Atlantic world : convicts, sailors and a dissonant empire / Johan Heinsen
Vestlandet Norway : Oceanography and marine biology : an annual review. Volume 29 / Margaret Barnes, editor
Vestly, Anne-Cath. (Anne-Catharina), 1920-2008. : Children's literature review. Volume 99 : excerpts from reviews, criticism, and commentary on books for children and young people / Tom Burns, project editor
Here are entered works on the distinctive dress and insignia worn by clergy and their assistants when performing liturgical and other services of the church. Works on the clothing worn by clergy in daily life and on the street are entered under Clergy--Clothing
Vesuvius Region (Italy) -- Antiquities, Roman : Scambi e commerci in area Vesuviana : i dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici I.E. (impianto electtrico) 1980-81 nel foro di Pompei / a cura di Darío Bernal-Casasola e Daniela Cottica
Vesuvius Region (Italy) -- Commerce -- History : Scambi e commerci in area Vesuviana : i dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici I.E. (impianto electtrico) 1980-81 nel foro di Pompei / a cura di Darío Bernal-Casasola e Daniela Cottica
Vesuvius Underground areas Italy : Cities of the underworld. Season 1, episode 9, Beneath Vesuvius / producer, Allison Hynes ; produced by Authentic Entertainment, Inc. in association with Thirty Four Productions, LLC for the History Channel
Vêtement pour enfant. : The commodification of childhood : the children's clothing industry and the rise of the child consumer / Daniel Thomas Cook
Vêtements. : The experiences of face veil wearers in Europe and the law / edited by Eva Brems
Vêtements -- Aspect social -- Congrès. : The Fabrics of culture : the anthropology of clothing and adornment / editors, Justine M. Cordwell, Ronald A. Schwarz