Cover; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1 The Requirement; Chapter 2 The Ingenious Michel Wibault; Chapter 3 Down at Engines; Chapter 4 The Elegant Solution; Chapter 5 Viable V/STOL; Chapter 6 Bristol Siddeley Means Business; Chapter 7 Three Nations Go VTO; Chapter 8 Pegasus at Oberpfaffenhofen; Chapter 9 Patents Matter; Chapter 10 Troubled Times; Chapter 11 Into Service; Chapter 12 Sell it to the Marines; Chapter 13 In Control; Chapter 14 'I done flown it'; Chapter 15 A Second Lease of Life
Chapter 16 Flight TestChapter 17 Pegasus at War; Chapter 18 Achievement and Perspectives; Appendices; A Pegasus Engines Built; B Surviving Early Pegasus Engines; C Data on Permutations in Document PS17; D Basic Data of Service Engines; E Pegasus Chief Engineers; F Pegasus Engines in Sea Harriers and Harriers, Position at 24 May 1982; G BS100 Development Evolution; Bibliography; Index
The conception of the Pegasus engine in 1957 upset all the conventions of aircraft design. It was previously usual for aircraft designers to seek a suitable engine, but this was an engine that sought an aircraft. The aircraft thatresulted was the famous Harrier that is still in front-line service with air forces around the world including the RAF and US Marine Corps. This book takes an in-depth look at the engine's original design concept, initial production and flight testing. It then goes on to explain how the developments and improvements have been made over the ensuing years and includes e