Vermittlungstechnik : Performance evaluation of high speed switching fabrics and networks : ATM, broadband ISDN, and MAN technology / edited by Thomas Robertazzi
Vermoeden. : Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition / Nicholas Rescher
Vermogensoverdrachten. : Altruism and beyond : an economic analysis of transfers and exchanges within families and groups / Oded Stark
Vermögenspolitik : Plantations, privatization, poverty and power : changing ownership and management of state forests / edited by Mike Garforth and James Mayers
Vermögensschaden : Pure economic loss in Europe / edited by Mauro Bussani and Vernon Valentine Palmer
Vermögensteuer : Erosion of the property tax base : trends, causes, and consequences / edited by Nancy Y. Augustine [and others]
Vermögensübertragung : Vermögenstransfer und Haftung : eine Studie zur Nutzbarmachung der Universalsukzession für die Unternehmenspraxis / Johannes W. Flume
Vermont Anarchism : On anarchism : dispatches from the people's republic of Vermont / David Van Deusen ; foreword by Jeff Jones of the Weather Undergroud
Vermont Ballads, English History and criticism : The unbroken circle : Vermont music, tradition and change / by Mark Greenberg, an Upstreet production, produced in association with the Onion River Arts Council, Vermont ETV, Resolution, Inc
Vermont Child care services : The economics of child care : taking care of Vermont's most valuable resource / written and edited by Amy Davenport [and others]